“One of Them Days” is a refreshing comedy from producer Issa Rae that follows best friends Dreux (Keke Palmer), a waitress at a Norms Restaurant, and Alyssa (SZA), a struggling painter.
One tradition we’ve grown fond of in recent years is the SKIMS Valentine’s Day campaign – and this year’s does not disappoint ...
In a highly publicized trial in 1992, professional boxer Mike Tyson was found guilty of raping 18-year-old beauty pageant ...
After losing his home in the Eaton Fire, one Altadena-based entertainment worker searches through fire-ravaged rubble in the ...
“Barbershop” follows a young man who is hungry for Doritos while getting a haircut. When he sees his barber’s fingers covered in bright orange chip dust, he goes for it and takes a lick. He gets ...