Kotobukiya has opened pre-orders for its upcoming Mega Man Battle Network Bass EXE model kit, which it will release in June 2025.
Three oil and gas sites in the Permian Basin received recognition Wednesday for their reduction in light pollution.
Puerto Rico’s new governor Jenniffer González Colón has appointed a so-called energy czar to help pull the U.S. territory out ...
Still weeks away from returning to office, Donald Trump is showing himself to be as petty and vindictive as he was in his ...
Our current cosmological model—known as lambda cold dark matter, or ΛCDM—relies on hypothesized dark energy to explain the ...
By looking at light from distant exploding stars called supernovas, in 1998 astronomers discovered the universe isn't just ...
Some Tri-State residents have been left without power during severe winter weather for days now, and officials say it still ...
At the peak of the storm, 61,000 customers lost power. While CenterPoint Energy has restored service to over half, 20,000 ...
Americans are living longer but with more years burdened by chronic disease. Researchers say molecules in certain foods may ...
In Belize’s Actun Tunichil Muknal cave, a sacred Maya site, plants grow in darkness, sparking concerns about how tourism affects its fragile ecosystem.
The Somerset County Sheriff’s Office has provided new details on reports of suspicious activity near a propane facility south ...