Blue Monday originated from a publicity stunt, but seasonal affective disorder is a real affliction that affects millions of ...
Part of you is concerned — after all, you know depression can be serious — but on the other hand, can’t weight loss be a good ...
It's become increasingly clear that the gut microbiome can affect human health, including mental health. Which bacterial ...
Inauguration Day in photos, the allure of coffee shops, how to handle seasonal depression: Catch up on the day’s stories ...
Investigators found negative mental health conditions among women firefighters may reduce levels of key hormone associated with ovarian reserve.
Discover the difference between burnout vs depression, including causes, symptoms, and how both are treated, according to ...
Jeremy Fall details his sex and love addiction, from when he decided to seek help and what recovery means to him.
Better book a session with your therapist — yet another painful consequence of your parents’ divorce has emerged.