Voters in Iceland appear to have rejected incumbent parties in a parliamentary election. Partial results show a center-left ...
Kjörsókn í Reykjavík er heldur lakari en í síðustu alþingiskosningum árið 2021, bæði í Reykjavík norður og suður.
Icelanders are electing a new parliament after disagreements over immigration, energy policy and the economy forced Prime ...
Lesendum Vísis og hlustendum Bylgjunnar gefst færi á að útnefna mann ársins 2024 nú um áramótin. Opnað hefur verið fyrir ...
Það var nóg um að vera þessa helgina þar sem Alþingiskosningar og aðventan umvafði landsmenn. Kosningapartý flokkanna voru ...
Reddit users rave about this region in the US as a stunning, budget-friendly alternative to Reykjavik, Iceland, with a similar scenic charm ...
Here’s everything you need to know to plan a trip to Reykjavik. Iceland is synonymous with adventure and unforgettable views.
Icelanders voted Saturday in a legislative election after the collapse of a fraught coalition prompted a snap poll where the ...
Tónlistarmaðurinn Bubbi Morthens fékk sér nýtt tattú á dögunum. Myndin er af honum þegar hann var yngri, haldandi í hendi ...
Before the new airport's opening, traveling by air to Greenland meant flying into smaller cities such as Kangerlussuaq to the ...
For those craving a magical escape, a stay in one of Iceland's upscale resorts is the answer. Experiencing the tranquil ...
The Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (Trafikstyrelsen) approved the airport's operations just hours before Air ...