The Deadnersville Halloween Haunt, created by Lorne Holditch in memory of his wife Sheila, continues to inspire and delight ...
For the past three years now, Oikle has been creating, promoting, and selling calendars that display some of her meticulously ...
LeBlanc told reporters on Monday that he too is open to the idea, but warned that making any kind of legislative change would ...
A woman faces drunk driving charges after a vehicle collision in the midtown area on the weekend. At about 4:15 p.m. on ...
Michel Laurin, 37, was charged with robbery using firearm; forcible confinement; mischief under $5,000; disguise with intent; ...
The military’s decision to sound a partial retreat on its controversial dress policy that allowed for gender-neutral uniforms ...
Heritage Minutes, a history-based series that has been showcased throughout Canada since 1991, is now putting Kingston on the ...
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington (KFL&A) Public Health’s board of health voted Tuesday morning to merge with its ...
The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit will vote Thursday on merging with two neighbours into a regional public ...
The stage of Maranatha Church hall Saturday afternoon will be crowded with more than 100 performers as the Quinte Symphony ...
The idea for the contest came back in 2006, from John Bohannon, a scientist who studies microbiology and artificial ...