Medications such as Ozempic can reduce the risk of a range of different diseases and health conditions but also increase the ...
The broadness and innovative strength keep Swedish life science exports strong, but the protectionist tendencies in the world ...
Upcoming patent expirations are driving pharmaceutical companies to acquire in 2025. In Sweden, we may be on our way to ...
The board of Karolinska Development has appointed Ben Toogood, a board member since 2021, as chairman until the next annual general meeting, according to a press release ...
The newly installed US President, Donald Trump, has issued a executive order for the US to leave the World Health Organization, WHO.
Läkemedelsbolaget Astra Zeneca ska investera 820 miljoner kanadensiska dollar, motsvarande 6,3 miljarder kronor, i Kanada.
Den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA har beslutat att utvidga godkännandet för Johnson & Johnsons (J&J) nässpray ...
Läkemedel som Ozempic kan minska risken för en rad olika sjukdomar och hälsotillstånd, men också öka risken för andra ...
USA:s nyinstallerade president Donald Trump har lagt en presidentorder på att USA ska lämna Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO.