The Children’s Train” is an Italian movie directed by Cristina Comencini. With Barbara Ronchi and Serena Rossi. “The Children’s Train,” a film set in post-World War II Italy, has made its way to ...
Today, Netflix releases “Churchill at War,” a new documentary that delves into the life of one of the 20th century’s most ...
The Only Girl in the Orchestra” is a documentary about Orin O’Brien. It is directed by Molly O’Brien. Netflix’s latest ...
That Christmas” is an animation movie directed by Simon Otto. With the voices of Bill Nighy and Brian Cox. Netflix’s latest ...
Tomorrow and I” is a Netflix series created by Paween Purijitpanya, Pat Pataranutaporn and Jirawat Watthanakiatpanya. It ...
Juror #2” is a movie directed by Clint Eastwood starring Nicholas Hoult with Toni Collette, J.K. Simmons, Kiefer Sutherland, ...
In the ever-evolving landscape of Canadian rock, The Discarded has emerged with their sixth studio album, “The Green Door,” ...
In the world of romance novels, a new star is rising. Calliope Casimiro’s debut novel, “Reminders of You: The Story of Sam ...
As the art world converges on Miami Beach for the annual Art Basel, David Zwirner Gallery stands poised to captivate ...
The Wild West is set to storm theaters across the UK and Ireland as Jamie Wilson Productions announces the revival of the ...
"Armor" is a movie starring Sylvester Stallone and Jason Patric. With Josh Wiggins, Dash Mihok, and Erin Ownbey. In the realm ...