ABOUT THE ROLE                As a Regulated Product Compliance Specialist you’ll join a team of all rounders with various ...
Nitro Games has received 300,000 EUR as the third installment of funding from Business Finland. The project has progressed ...
Loomis offers safe and effective solutions for managing payments. We operate in a decentralized organization with more than ...
Loomis offers safe and effective solutions for managing payments. We operate in a decentralized organization with more than 400 branches in 23 markets, employing around 25,000 people. During the last ...
About us Scania is a world leading provider of transport solutions, including trucks and buses for heavy transport ...
The Finnish defence and security technology group Summa Defence Ltd acquires Lightspace, an American deep technology company. The companies have agreed on a transaction in which Summa Defence Ltd will ...
Axel Johnson International is a privately owned Swedish industrial group, with a strong presence across the globe. The group ...
Including the family pet in the Christmas celebration can make the holiday even cosier. Almost half of dog owners celebrate the biggest weekend of the year together with their four-legged family ...
Nu är kaffedramat en verkliget. Rekordhöga kaffepriser, drivna av extremväder och klimatförändringar, gör morgonkaffet allt ...
Traditionella auktoriteter utmanas när en ny generation vägrar acceptera färdiga svar. Nu måste världens ledare återerövra ...
Debatt: "Företag som prioriterar hållbar innovation framför enbart rapporteringskrav har allt att vinna i den globala ...
Felaktiga folkbokföringar på polishus, butiker och pizzerior ökar – något som hotar samhället. Skatteverket kräver nu hårdare ...